Monday, July 26, 2010

All Systems Go

i'm currently out of town, so i've got to make this fast.  i just wanted to take a minute to announce the launch of my website!  the web address is  visit it. bookmark it. love it.

thanks to my web presence, i can now offer prints that will be sent directly to you at an affordable price.  of course, i'll still be giving my clients a disc with all their pics and posting my faves here for friends and family to download for free, but if anyone wants to buy prints or products with the pics on them (ie: mug, mousepad, greeting cards, etc.) for a great price, it can all be done in one place.

i'm still in the process of moving over all the galleries, so bear with me, but it will all be up soon.  now, i'd better get back to my vacation.  we'll be heading up to yellowstone national park, so stay tuned for awesome landscape pics available to purchase soon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Senior Moment

meet marcus, a high school graduate from texas. 

i know i should have posted this a while ago, but better late than never, right?

 congrats to marcus on his graduation and good luck in college!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tip #2

it's not the size of the lens that matters, it's the person behind the camera.  too many photographers get caught up in who has the biggest lens and the most equipment.  while having a high quality lens and a fancy camera body can certainly add a professional touch to your photos, it is possible to take a good picture with an ordinary, every-day point-and-shoot or whatever camera you might have lying around.  for example, here is a pic i took when i was in high school.  it is one of my all time faves and do you know what i used to shoot it? 

a $30 film camera from walmart with a roll of the cheapest b&w film i could buy.  more important than how much you spent on your gear is what you put in the viewfinder.  composition is everything!  after you've found your subject, line it up.  you've probably noticed that i (and most other photographers) don't usually center our subjects.  that's because sticking them right in the middle is boring.  by using the rule of thirds you can create an interesting pic without spending a fortune.  the rule of thirds is simple and here's an easy way of looking at it. 
this is a graph that, when you lay it over a photo, breaks it up into thirds, both horizontally and vertically.  notice the green dots.  the rule of thirds states that the object of attention should be placed at one of the intersecting points (the green dots).  this is a loose rule.  in my opinion, it's more important to section out your pic than to pin point your subject with the dots.  most DSLRs have this grid already there for you. you just have to figure out how to turn it on.  if you don't have a DSLR, don't worry.  it's pretty easy to eyeball it.

so, next time you snap a shot, try using/imagining this grid and adjusting the composition accordingly.  good luck and let me know how it works for you!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


have you ever seen a pair quite like this?  these sisters are adorable together. 

actually, they're adorable apart, as well. ;)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We Have a Winner!

sorry for this week's hiatus.  i've been editing some pics, registering for next semester's classes, and getting ready for my nephew's visit, but i didn't forget to draw a name for our print give-away.  without further ado, our winner is...


congrats!  if you didn't win, don't get discouraged.  you could still be a winner in my next drawing.  or, you can take your destiny in your own hands and make yourself a winner by buying one/both of the prints.  $9.50 each (8x10).  email me at to purchase or get pricing for alternative sizes.  all purchases have free shipping!